Cynthia de las Fuentes
American Psychological Association (APA)

During her graduate school training, Cynthia de las Fuentes, PhD, was awarded a United States Congressional Fellowship through the Women’s Research and Education Institute and another fellowship with APA's Women’s Program Office. She earned a PhD in counseling psychology from the University of Texas at Austin in 1994 and subsequently became licensed in Texas in 1996. From 1993–2007, she was a tenured associate professor of psychology at Our Lady of the Lake University, an APA-accredited doctoral program, and held numerous leadership positions within the university and department including serving as training director.
Since 2007, de las Fuentes has worked in private practice offering sliding-scale consultation, psychotherapy, and forensic evaluations focusing her expert testimony on the victims of hate crimes, racial, gender, and sexual orientation discrimination and immigration evaluations. Her pro bono work includes training bilingual psychologists in her community on the cultural and linguistic competent delivery of forensic evaluation services to the Latiné immigrant community and delivering self-care and stress management workshops to immigration lawyers and their staff.
She has dozens of presentations and publications in her areas of scholarship: ethics in psychology, feminist psychology, and multicultural and Latiné psychologies. She is active in APA governance where, among other positions, she has served as president of the Society for the Psychology of Women, was a member of the Board of Education Affairs, was chair of the Committee for Women in Psychology, served on the APA Council of Representatives representing Division 45 (Society for the Psychological Study of Culture, Ethnicity and Race), was chair of the Council Leadership Team, and served as a member of the Policy and Planning Board. She is a founding member of National Latinx Psychological Association and was elected a member and secretary of the Board of Trustees for the Texas Psychological Association. She is currently the 2024 president of the American Psychological Association and the American Psychological Association Services Inc.

David A. Clark
Professor Emeritus of Clinical Psychology
University of New Brunswick

David A. Clark, PhD, is Professor Emeritus, Department of Psychology, University of New Brunswick, Canada and was a practicing clinical psychologist with 30+ years in providing cognitive behavioural treatment for OCD. He received his PhD from the Institute of Psychiatry is a Fellow of the Canadian Psychological Association, Founding Fellow/Trainer Consultant of the Academy of Cognitive Therapy, and ad hoc consultant with the Beck Institute. Dr. Clark has conducted training workshops on CBT globally including Hong Kong, China, Australia, Europe, Britain, Turkey, and the United States to name but a few. He has co-authored several publications with Dr. Beck including Cognitive Therapy for Anxiety Disorders (Guilford, 2010), and The Anxiety and Worry Workbook (Guilford, 2012; 2nd edition, 2023). He is sole author of The Mood Repair Toolkit (Guilford, 2014), The Anxious Thoughts Workbook (2018, New Harbinger), and The Negative Thoughts Workbook (2020, New Harbinger). His latest book based on the process-orientation to anxiety will be released in the autumn of 2024 and is titled This is What Anxiety Looks Like (New Harbinger).
Anxiety is a complex mental health problem that affects millions of people worldwide. Although disorder-specific cognitive-behavioral treatment (CBT) protocols have been developed, more recently interest has shifted to more transdiagnostic processes that target common processes across anxiety subtypes. This address presents one such transdiagnostic perspective that targets 12 core processes that are common, to varying degrees, across the various symptom presentations of anxiety. Processes such as anticipatory anxiety, anxiety sensitivity, avoidance, catastrophizing, helplessness, uncertainty tolerance, reassurance seeking, postevent processing, and the like are explained. Assessment, case conceptualization, and process-focused cognitive-behavioral interventions are presented that offer a more systematic, targeted, and individualized approach to treatment of anxiety.

Robert L. Leahy
Professor of Clinical Psychology
Weill Cornell Medical College
American Institute for Cognitive Therapy

Robert L. Leahy (B.A., M.S., Ph.D., Yale University), Completed a Postdoctoral Fellowship in the Department of Psychiatry, University of Pennsylvania Medical School under the direction of Dr. Aaron Beck, the founder of cognitive therapy. Dr. Leahy is the Past-President of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Past-President of the International Association of Cognitive Psychotherapy, Past-President of the Academy of Cognitive Therapy, Director of the American Institute for Cognitive Therapy (NYC), and Clinical Professor of Psychology in Psychiatry at Weill-Cornell University Medical School.
Dr. Leahy is the Honorary Life-time President, New York City Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Association and a Distinguished Founding Fellow, Diplomate, of the Academy of Cognitive Therapy. He has received the Aaron T. Beck award for outstanding contributions in cognitive therapy. In 2023, he was named the Global Ambassador by the Association of Cognitive and Behavioral Therapies and he also received the Outstanding Clinician Award from ABCT.
He is author and editor of 29 books that have been translated into 24 languages.
We frequently hear invalidating comments about our difficult emotions, such as “You shouldn’t feel jealous, resentful, envious, bored, or regretful”. But these are universal emotions that we all might feel and disowning this part of our self is unrealistic and self-defeating. The emotional schema model views all emotions as the result of the evolutionary process and that our cultural and socialization experiences make it difficult to integrate these experiences into our lives. Our beliefs about emotions affect our tolerance of the inevitable difficulties of a completely human existence. The relentless pursuit of happiness, existential and emotional perfectionism and beliefs in a “higher self” lead to attempts to suppress these feelings which leads to more anxiety and beliefs that we are not “normal”. Complex emotions such as jealousy, envy, and regret function as systemic “modes” which are integrated strategies for coping. For example, the regret mode imagines a “better world” (alternative), compares outcomes to an ideal that does not exist, ignores the limits of our knowledge in making decisions, rejects tradeoffs, and activates rumination and self-criticism to motivate us to try to pursue maximum benefits. In its extreme form, regret becomes guilt, but the absence of guilt leads to distrust and sociopathy. How do we help clients find the right balance? What is the right amount of regret, for the right reasons, expressed in the right way, to produce the best outcome within our human limits? How do existential and emotional perfectionism and biases in predicting emotions lead to our difficulty in using painful emotions to benefit us?

Paul Gilbert
University of Derby
President and Founder of the Compassionate Mind Foundation

Paul Gilbert, FBPsS, PhD, OBE is Professor of Clinical Psychology at the University of Derby and honorary visiting Prof at the University of Queensland. Until his retirement from the NHS in 2016 he was Consultant Clinical Psychologist for over 40 years. He has researched evolutionary approaches to psychopathology with a special focus on mood, shame and self-criticism in various mental health difficulties for which Compassion Focused Therapy was developed. He was made a Fellow of the British Psychological Society in 1993, president of the BABCP 2002-2004, and was a member of the first British Governments’ NICE guidelines for depression. He has written/edited 23 books and over 400 papers and book chapters. In 2006 he established the Compassionate Mind Foundation as an international charity with the mission statement To promote wellbeing through the scientific understanding and application of compassion.
Compassion focused therapy (CFT) is an integrative, evolution informed biopsychosocial and brain state approach to mental health difficulties. This talk will outline the background key themes and science of CFT in terms of the four functions of mind: motives emotions, cognitions, and behaviours. It will highlight the way the evolution of caring behaviour was the basis for compassion. Stimulating compassionate brain states seek to stimulate those psychophysiological systems associated with caring such as the vagus nerve, oxytocin and neurocircuits. These brain states have important impacts on helping people work with threat processing and facilitate prosocial relating to self and others.

Pim Cuijpers
Professor Emeritus of Clinical Psychology
University of Amsterdam

Pim Cuijpers is Professor of Clinical Psychology at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands and director of the WHO Collaborating Centre for Research and Dissemination of Psychological Interventions in Amsterdam. He was involved in more than 75 randomised controlled trials and more than 300 meta-analyses on prevention and psychological treatments of common mental disorders across the life span. Much of his work is aimed at prevention of mental disorders, psychological treatments of depression and anxiety disorders, and digital interventions. He has also published on several other research topics, including global mental health and student mental health. Pim Cuijpers has published more than 1,200 peer-reviewed papers, chapters, reports and professional publications, including more than 900 papers in international peer-reviewed scientific journals. He is on the Thomson-Reuter Web of Science lists of the ‘highly cited researchers’ since the first edition of this list in 2014 (
More than 1,000 randomised controlled trials have examined the effects of psychotherapies for depression and compared psychotherapies with control conditions, with each other, with pharmacotherapy and with combined treatments. These trials have also examined the effects of therapies in specific target groups, such as women with perinatal depression, children and adolescents, older adults, people with general medical disorders and many others. Furthermore, the effects have not just been examined on depressive symptoms, but also on other outcomes, such as quality of life, functional limitations and social support. In this presentation I will present the results of a large meta-analytic project in which new trials are continuously added. I will show that the most important therapies are effective, that most therapies have comparable effects, that these effects remain significant up to one year follow up and that the therapies are effective in most specific groups. But meta-analyses should also be considered with caution, because they overestimate the effects of therapies. The effects of therapies are comparable to those of pharmacotherapy, but at the longer term psychotherapies are more effective. Combined therapy is more effective than either one alone, at the short and longer term.

Roman Raczka
The British Psychological Society

Dr. Roman Raczka is a Chartered Clinical Psychologist and Associate Fellow of the BPS. He is currently President-elect of the British Psychological Society (BPS) and also the Chair of the BPS Division of Clinical Psychology. Roman has previously held a number of leadership roles in the BPS including the DCP England Lead, DCP London Chair and Chair of London DCP Faculty for People with Intellectual Disabilities.
Roman was the DCP representative on the BPS Covid Co-ordinating Group and Chaired the COVID Adaptations to Practice sub-group leading on the development of a number of COVID publications.
Roman has over 30 years experience of working as a Clinical Psychologist in the NHS and his clinical areas of special interest include, adults with intellectual disabilities and complex needs including challenging behaviours, offenders with intellectual disabilities, working with people with autistic spectrum disorders as well as the use of third wave cognitive behaviour therapies with people with intellectual disabilities and autism.
Roman is employed in the NHS as the Consultant Lead Clinical Psychologist for Central London Community Health (CLCH) NHS Trust and is the CLCH Trust Head of Psychology. Roman has also held academic appointments at the University of London, and visiting lecturer at the College of Policing.
Roman’s research interests are varied and has had a number of journal articles published.
Covid-19 shone a light on the need for health and care staff in the UK to have access to psychological support, both during and after the pandemic. With staff presenting with high levels of mental distress, trauma and burnout, NHS Staff Mental Health and Wellbeing Hubs were commissioned to provide direct, confidential support to staff struggling with their mental health. Since the pandemic, high levels of staff sickness absence for mental health reasons, and significant staff retention issues have continued to persist, highlighting the importance of ongoing access to psychological support for staff. However, with the UK government withdrawing funding for the hub, the British Psychological Society has been campaigning for continued investment in mental health and wellbeing services for this vital workforce.
The British Psychological Society has captured key learnings from the NHS Staff Mental Health and Wellbeing Hubs, to help shape and inform future provision for staff. In this presentation, I will outline the eight key principles we have identified for staff mental health and wellbeing services, I will also present evidence from qualitative research studies conducted in the north of England and finally explore the role of clinical psychology delivering evidence based therapy to support health and social care workers.

Larry Beutler
Distinguished Professor Emeritus
Palo Alto University

Dr. Larry E. Beutler received his Ph.D. from the University of Nebraska (1970) and served on faculties of Duke University, SFA State University, Baylor College of Medicine, the U of A (Arizona) before becoming Emeritus Professor at the University of California-Santa Barbara and a Distinguished Professor Emeritus at Palo Alto University. He carries diplomate or Fellow status at ABPP, APA, APS and is a Past President of Divisions 29 and 12 of APA and the Society for Psychotherapy Research (SPR). He earned a Distinguished Career award from SPR and a Presidential citation from APA for his research. He has spent his career as a clinician- scientist, practicing in the areas of assessment and psychotherapy. He has authored or co-authored 23 books and over 500 scholarly papers. Over the past 10 years, including his 7 years of full retirement, he has been committed to developing a truly “Integrative Psychotherapy”. His latest (in press) book provides the background for this presentation.
Dr. Satoko Kimpara graduated from Yokohama National University, Japan, and received her doctorate in clinical psychology from Palo Alto University, USA. Dr. Kimpara is a licensed psychologist (CA) and has been a researcher and clinician at several behavioral health clinics that specialize in treating minority populations in Northern California and was employed as a supervisor and research scientist at Palo Alto University. She has published widely on patient-treatment fit and matching and is skilled in the Systematic Treatment Selection (STS) approach to enhancing and optimizing psychotherapy in supervision training.
This lecture will be presented by Larry Beutler and Satoko Kimpara.
There frequently is a disconnect between what is taught in classes by research faculty and what is modeled and taught to students and carried out in clinical practice by professional clinicians. This, combined with the 300 plus extant psychotherapy theories can easily suggest that we don’t know what we are doing. Systematic Treatment Selection (STS) is an evidence-grounded intervention that is designed to operate across diagnostic groups and can either enhance or replace one’s theoretical model with empirically identified principles of change.
From a set of four empirically grounded books that identified a large and overlapping number of principles of change, Beutler and Kimpara extract eleven general, cross-cutting principles and three culture-specific ones that, together, form a strong scientific foundation for an integrated psychotherapy. These principles are woven into a practical demonstration of how the science (the principles) and the art (the application) can effect change and improve outcomes.

Ron Rapee
Director of the Center for Emotional Health (CEH)
Macquarie University

Ronald M. Rapee is currently Distinguished Professor in the Department of Psychology, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia and Director of the Centre for Emotional Health. Prof Rapee has established an international reputation for his research into the understanding and management of anxiety and related problems in both children and adults and has published widely in some of the leading scientific journals. He has developed a number of empirically supported treatment programs that are used by researchers and therapists in countries across the world and has been honoured by awards from both scientific and consumer groups. Prof Rapee received the Distinguished Career Award from the Australian Association for CBT and the Distinguished Contribution to Science Award from the Australian Psychological Society. In June 2012, he was awarded a Member of the Order of Australia for his contributions to Australian society in clinical psychology. He serves on the editorial board and acts as associate editor for international journals, is a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences in Australia and provides consultation to a number of government, non-government and scientific bodies.
Social anxiety disorder is a highly chronic disorder, usually beginning very early in life with little remission and impacts on relationships, career, and physical health. Psychological treatments have had moderate success, although the effects of treatment are the lowest among any of the anxiety disorders. Recent developments in research have pointed to several directions that hold promise for improved treatments. These include focusing intervention to underlying mechanisms, use of cognitive enhancers to increase effects, and reductions in automatic attention toward threat. Interest has also begun to focus on broader dissemination of treatments via the internet. The talk will summarise, what we know, what is promising, and where we might head.

Anke Ehlers
Professor of Experimental Psychopathology
University of Oxford

Anke Ehlers is a Professor of Experimental Psychopathology at the Department of Experimental Psychology, University of Oxford, UK, and Co-director of the Oxford Centre for Anxiety Disorders and Trauma. She is interested in psychological processes involved in the onset and maintenance of post-traumatic stress disorder and anxiety disorders, and implications for treatment. With her colleagues she developed Cognitive Therapy for PTSD, one of the evidenced-based first-line interventions for PTSD recommended in international treatment guidelines. She has received several awards for her work, including the American Psychological Association award for Distinguished Contributions to Clinical Psychology (2014) and the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies Lifetime Achievement Award (2022).
Ehlers and Clark (2000) suggested that PTSD develops if trauma survivors process traumatic events in a way that lead to a sense of serious "current" threat. The perceived threat can be internal (e.g., ‘I am a bad person’) or external (e.g., ‘I will be attacked again’) and has two sources: First, people with chronic PTSD show excessively negative appraisals of their traumas and/or trauma sequelae. Second, the nature of trauma memories leads to easy cue-driven triggering of trauma memories that lack the awareness of the self in the past. Furthermore, the patients’ appraisals motivate a series of unhelpful coping behaviours and cognitive strategies that are intended to reduce the sense of current threat but maintain the disorder. Cognitive Therapy for PTSD (CT-PTSD) uses this model to develop an individualized case formulation. The presentation will give an update on research testing the model and processes of treatment efficacy.

Matthew Sanders
Professor of Parenting and Family Support Center
The University of Queensland

Professor Matthew Sanders, AO, PhD is the Foundation Professor of Parenting Studies and Family Psychology (PFSC) and Professor of Clinical Psychology. He is widely acknowledged to be Australia's leading, internationally best-known parenting intervention researcher. As founder of the PFSCs flagship program the Triple P Positive Parenting Program Professor Sanders was Foundation Director of the PFSC and served in that role for 27 years. In addition to his professorial responsibilities, he is a strategic advisor to the Director and remains actively involved in program development, evaluation and dissemination of Triple P. He is a prolific researcher with over 500 publications.
To reduce global prevalence rates of social, emotional, and behavioural problems in children and adolescents, an integrated multi-level, system of evidence-based parenting support is required. Several criteria need to be met for such a system to work at scale in "shifting the needle" at a population level. These include having a theory of change, clear goals and targets, multiple levels of intensity of intervention available (not a "one size fits all"), involving and where possible harmonising different disciplines, sectors, and service delivery systems. The intervention needs to accommodate both flexibility and fidelity of delivery, have a well-trained and supported workforce to deliver programs. Programs need to be inclusive, gender sensitive, culturally informed, and attuned to local context including (policies, funding, type of workforce and their availability). Taking a global perspective and using the Triple P-Positive Parenting Program as an example, I will reflect on progress across four decades in attempting to meet these criteria, challenges encountered, learnings, solutions and future directions will be highlighted. Much greater collaboration and knowledge sharing between different evidence-based programs are needed to ensure collective efforts in that influence research, policy and practice. I will identify new opportunities for parenting researchers and program developers in addressing family and parenting factors related to the UN's sustainable development goals, neglected areas of research from a parenting across the lifespan perspective, and the addressing problems arising from mental health, education and child welfare policies that fail to recognise the critical importance of parenting and the need to fund both research and practice to ensure programs evolve over time and address the contemporary needs of children and their families.

Steven D. Hollon
Vanderbilt University
APA Distinguished Scientific Awards

Dr Steven Hollon is an internationally recognized clinical psychologist based at Vanderbilt University. His expertise lies in the prevention and treatment of depression and best practice Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Dr Hollon has published research in several of the world’s most prestigious academic journals including The Lancet, British Journal of Psychiatry and JAMA Psychiatry. He is a past president of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapy and the Society for a Science of Clinical Psychology.
Much of what we once believed about depression has turned out not to be true. Although it is miserable to experience, depression is neither a disease nor a disorder, but is instead an adaptation that evolved in our ancestral past to serve a purpose. The evolutionary theory that is most consistent with the existing evidence is that depression evolved to facilitate the kind of careful thinking needed to resolve complex interpersonal problems. Moreover, recent birth cohort studies indicate that depression is far more prevalent than previously recognized (it is “species typical”) and that only a small percentage of the persons who ever get depressed ever go on to become recurrent. It is a basic principle of evolutionary medicine that any treatment that facilitates the functions that an adaptation evolved to serve is to be preferred over one that only anesthetizes the symptoms. As efficacious as antidepressant medications can be, they are purely palliative at best and may even have an iatrogenic effect that suppresses symptoms at the expense of prolonging the underlying episode. The cognitive and behavioral interventions not only have enduring effects but appear to facilitate the resolution of complex interpersonal problems and are therefore likely to be preferred over the purely palliative (and possibly iatrogenic) medications.

Isabel Fernández
EMDR European Association

Isabel Fernandez is a clinical psychologist working in Milan. She has been trained in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and has been on the faculty of the Italian School of Cognitive Behavior for 18 years, providing specialization training in psychotherapy. She has worked as a consultant psychologist at the psychiatric ward of Niguarda Hospital, conducting clinical research projects. Currently, she is Director of the Psychotraumatology Research Center of Milan and has published many papers, articles and books on trauma, EMDR and other topics. She is chairman of the Italian EMDR Association and Past President of EMDR Europe Association and a member of the Board of Directors of the Italian Federation of Scientific Psychological Societies. She has been a member of the Standing Committee Trauma and Disasters and the Board Prevention and Intervention (of the European Federation Psychological Associations) from 2005 to 2014.
She has organized interventions with EMDR in mass disasters and has worked in cooperation with Civil Defense, Military and Law enforcement and Fireworkers to provide psychological support and trauma treatment for emergency workers. She trains graduates students and clinicians in trauma, EMDR and crisis intervention in Italy and Spain. She has made research and published on Post-traumatic stress reactions in children and adults in emergency settings and mass disasters.
In 2019 awarded with the title of Knight Commander by the President of Italy, for her contribution to society, public health and for the Early interventions in the aftermath of mass disasters of EMDR Italy Association.
The aim is the presentation of the role of traumatic experiencies in mental and physical health and how to intervene with EMDR, a first-line trauma treatment in the international practice guidelines of several organizations, including the American Psychiatric Association (2004), the World Health Organization (2013, 2023) and the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies (2018). The clinical effectiveness of EMDR for treatment of trauma in adults has been documented in several randomized controlled studies (EMDR International Association, 2014); furthermore, and an incremental effect of EMDR has been also observed in children (Rodenburg et al., 2009). The theoretical model that guides EMDR procedures, that is the Adaptive Information Processing (Shapiro, 2001), posits that the intense disturbing affects that accompany trauma leads the information processing system to fail in properly processing and storing the information (e.g., images, thoughts, emotions, and sensations associated to traumatic event) into functional memory networks. The eight-phase-structure of EMDR protocol are aimed at accessing these dysfunctionally stored information and facilitating the integration of traumatic memories, leading to their adaptive resolution (Shapiro, 2012).
In the last years, research has explored the neurobiological correlates of early and chronic traumatization, documenting the decreased functionality of cerebral regions related to the processing of emotional stimuli that resemble traumatic events. Recent research has evidenced that trauma has an important effect as a transdiagnostic risk factor for many psychological disorders.
In light of these results, we will discuss the role of early trauma in mental and physical health and the implications in clinical practice, highlighting the importance of specialized psychological interventions in primary and secondary prevention.

Allison Harvey
Professor of Clinical Psychology
The Golden Bear Sleep and Mood Research Clinic
University of California, Berkeley

Dr. Allison G. Harvey completed her PhD and clinical training in Sydney, Australia. She completed a postdoc and her first faculty position at the University of Oxford in the UK. Currently, she is a Professor of Clinical Psychology at the University of California, Berkeley. Dr. Harvey has practiced as a licensed clinical psychologist for more than 20 years, specializing in improving sleep health. She has published over 300 research articles and authored 3 books for therapists on sleep as well as mental illness. Her research team has been continuously funded by the National Institute of Health for two decades. Dr. Harvey is a recipient of numerous awards including the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Sleep Research Society, the Peter Hauri Lifetime Distinguished Scientific Achievement Award from the Society for Behavioral Sleep Medicine as well as an Honorary Doctorate from the University of Orebro, Sweden.
Mental health problems remain common, chronic, and difficult to treat. A promising path to improving outcomes includes the translation of basic science into interventions that are safe, powerful, and scalable.
In this talk, I will describe two programs of research.
First, we have harnessed findings from cognitive science and education to try to improve patient memory for the content of treatment. This is important as poor memory for treatment is common and is associated with worse treatment outcome. Data will be presented on the development and outcomes of a method for improving patient memory for treatment.
Second, prior research has tended to treat specific sleep problems (e.g., insomnia) in specific diagnostic groups (e.g., depression). Yet real life sleep and circadian problems are often not so neatly categorized, particularly in mental illness where features of insomnia often overlap with delayed sleep phase, irregular sleep-wake schedules, and even hypersomnia. In the hope of addressing this complexity, and grounded in basic sleep and circadian science, the Transdiagnostic Intervention for Sleep and Circadian Dysfunction (TranS-C) was developed. TranS-C is transdiagnostic in two ways: It addresses a range of sleep and circadian problems across a range of mental and physical health problems. The results from two RCTs that have tested TranS-C will be described.

Dmitrii Kovpak
Association for Cognitive and Behavioral Psychotherapy

Dmitrii Kovpak completed his PhD at the age of 34 years from North-West Medical State University named after I. I. Mechnikov, Russia. He is the president of the Association for Cognitive and Behavioral Psychotherapy (Russia), vice president of the Russian Psychotherapeutic Association, member of the International Advisory Committee Beck Institute cognitive behavioral therapy, board member of the International Association of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. He has over 200 publications. He has been serving as an editorial board member of several reputed journals.
The challenges of the present, such as the pandemic and the escalation of armed conflicts, increase uncertainty and alarming expectations around the world. Against this background, the manifestations of various variants of anxiety disorders are increasing. Modern cognitive behavioral therapy of anxiety disorders, in addition to traditional methods, such as various types of exposure, has also begun to include work with the entire spectrum of biopsychosocial problems of patients. This is achieved by focusing on the needs and aspirations. This extension of the therapeutic approach allows not only to stop acute symptoms in the form of panic attacks, sympatho-adrenal and vago-insular crises and other vegetative and somatic hyperreactions of the human body with excessive anxiety, but also such compensatory strategies as avoidant and safety behavior. Even more importantly, this approach affects all significant factors of etiopathogenesis of anxiety disorders, allowing to focus in therapy on the mechanisms of sanogenesis, personality development and quality of life in all leading spheres of human life.

Saul Neves de Jesus
Profesor Catedrático
Universidad de Algarve

Full Professor of the University of Algarve, since 2003. Currently, he is the Director of the PhD in Psychology at UAlg, the Coordinator of the University Research Center in Psychology (CUIP), the Coordinator of the Portuguese Psychology Forum, and the National Representative of Portugal at the "Stress, Trauma, Anxiety and Resilience Society" (STAR) .
Previously, he had experience in organizational management positions, namely as Vice-Rector of the University of Algarve, Director, President of the Scientific Council and President of the Pedagogical Council of the Faculty of Human and Social Sciences, as well as President of CIEO, a Research Center rated “Very Good” by the FCT, having coordinated the research group “Well -Being in Society.”
He has supervised postdocs of colleagues from several countries, and has already supervised 49 successfully completed doctoral theses, as well as some founded research projects.
He has published some scientific books and more than three hundred scientific articles in peer-reviewed journals, most of them about Positive Psychology variables, as well as motivation, and health topics.
He has obtained several national and international awards and distinctions, namely the “APP Prize for Psychological Research Career (2019)” and the “STAR Lifetime Career Award 2023”.
Levels of professional stress have been increasing, particularly among teachers and healthcare professionals.
This conference presents a program to reduce distress and increase motivation and professional well-being, with a particular focus on the management of beliefs and the development of healthy lifestyles.
The results obtained reveal the benefits of this program for participants.
In addition, investigations carried out at an organizational level to promote healthy work environments will also be presented.

Carmem Beatriz Neufeld
Latin-American Federation of Cognitive and Behavioral Psychotherapies

Libre Docente por la Universidade de São Paulo;
Postdoctorada en la Universidad Federal de Rio de Janeiro;
Doctora y Máster por la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Rio Grande do Sul;
Profesora Asociada de la Universidad de São Paulo – Ribeirão Preto
Fundadora y Coordinadora del Laboratorio de Investigación e Intervención Cognitivo-Conductual – LaPICC-USP
Becaria de productividad del Consejo Nacional de Investigación de Brasil;
Past president de la Federación Brasileña de Terapias Cognitivas (2011-2013/ 2013-2015);
Presidente de la Federación Latinoamericana de Psicoterapias Cognitivas y Conductuales (ALAPCCO) (gestión 2019-2022/2022-2025)
Presidente de la Asociación de Enseñanza y Supervisión Basada en la Evidencia (AESBE) (gestión 2020-2023)
Están probados los beneficios que los abordajes grupales proporcionan para una gran diversidad de situaciones. Por lo tanto, las intervenciones en grupo vienen recibiendo una atención creciente, tanto en la literatura clínica como en el ámbito de la investigación. Trabajar con grupos presupone una mirada integrativa y multidisciplinaria. En este sentido, se abordará los supuestos teóricos y prácticos de la aplicación de intervenciones grupales en diferentes contextos. Se presentará supuestos teórico-prácticos para intervenciones grupales desde una visión de las terapias cognitivo-conductuales, pasando por las competencias clínicas necesarias para intervenciones grupales y por posibilidades de intervenciones terapéuticas y de prevención y promoción de la salud, en contextos culturales diversos. Se discutirán los desafíos en las intervenciones de terapia cognitivo-conductual grupal en línea y la responsabilidad social de los profesionales de la psicología y cómo los grupos pueden ser una alternativa para superar los desafíos sociales de la realidad latinoamericana.

Juan Fco. Rodríguez Testal
Profesor Titular de Psicopatología
Universidad de Sevilla

Soy doctor en Psicología, especialista en Psicoterapia, y profesor de Psicopatología clínica (Universidad de Sevilla, España). En 100 artículos científicos, 13 libros, y más de 30 capítulos de libro se resume parte de mi actividad relacionada con las psicosis, trastornos de la personalidad, envejecimiento, y alteraciones de la imagen corporal. Gran parte de mi actividad investigadora se ha dirigido al estudio de procesos mentales relacionados con el origen y consolidación del delirio (ideas de referencia, saliencia aberrante), las alucinaciones, la disociación, y variables que predicen los síntomas negativos (como la percepción de pertenencia), aparte de otras líneas de investigación, en general, sobre procesos psicopatológicos graves. Soy editor asociado de dos revistas internacionales JCR: y Psychology of Consciousness: Theory, Research, and Practice, y Frontiers in Psychology, aparte de revisor en numerosos artículos internacionales en 23 revistas JCR. También he participado y dirigido Proyectos de investigación I + D + i, y he desarrollado actividad clínica. Soy director del grupo de investigación CTS-301 Alteración Mental y Disfunción Social. En este grupo, hemos desarrollado, validado, y registrado, un software para el estudio del procesamiento autorreferencial relacionado con las psicosis (TECS, y publicado como monografía en 2021), y en la actualidad, tenemos registro de la propiedad intelectual de dos instrumentos más sobre la anticipación de los síntomas negativos (ASN) y la pérdida de vitalidad (EFEV) en las psicosis.
Los síntomas negativos se relacionan con el pronóstico de la esquizofrenia desfavorable, y se evidencia en el funcionamiento laboral/académico, social-relacional, y del autocuidado pobres. Actualmente, el abordaje tanto farmacológico como psicológico sobre los síntomas negativos no resulta satisfactorio. Las intervenciones basadas en la actividad física parecen ser, en términos generales, beneficiosas, pero desconocemos qué formato o qué aspectos son los verdaderamente necesarios. Es posible que la persona con esquizofrenia sobreestime costes e infraestime la recompensa y el placer asociados a cualquier actividad, de manera que un buen programa de ejercicio físico puede modificar favorablemente estas asociaciones. Sin embargo, no conocemos específicamente las condiciones contextuales para que estas intervenciones sean eficaces: si los beneficios lo son en general o sobre qué indicadores específicos del funcionamiento; si el ejercicio resulta favorable porque representa también una actividad comúnmente compartida; o qué tipo específico de actividad física contribuye a incrementar el placer anticipatorio y consumatorio (componentes motivacionales clave). De hecho, más allá de los síntomas y la calidad de vida, apenas hay evidencia de si mejora la respuesta hedónica, de si el sentido de grupo o comunidad representan una ventaja inherente a sus beneficios, de si se ha evaluado el tono lúdico de las intervenciones, el papel de la alianza terapéutica o el análisis de los abandonos terapéuticos, o de si se tienen en cuenta las preferencias de la actividad física o deportiva de los participantes (p.ej., relacionado con su propia historia). En este trabajo se revisan todas las características y se propone un esquema de trabajo que ponga a prueba los beneficios de la actividad física sobre los síntomas negativos, tanto en para un programa supervisado como autoaplicado.

María Celeste Airaldi
International Association for Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy

Psicóloga Clínica, psicoterapeuta. Especialista en TREC y TCC. Presidente de la Internacional Association for Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (IAREBT). Vicepresidente de la Federación Latinoamericana de Psicoterapias Cognitivas y Conductuales (ALAPCCO). Directora del Centro Especializado en Psicología Sensorium, en Paraguay. Docente de grado en la Universidad Católica Nuestra Señora de la Asunción (Paraguay).
Con la difusión de los servicios de psicoterapia online y el aumento de la migración, se ha hecho cada vez más frecuente que los psicoterapeutas se encuentren con consultantes que poseen antecedentes socioculturales diferentes a los del profesional. Esto, cuando no es bien abordado, puede tener un impacto negativo sobre el vínculo terapéutico y los resultados clínicos. En este punto, la TREC es una psicoterapia global que, cuando se tienen en cuenta ciertas consideraciones de la práctica clínica, puede ser especialmente útil para abordar relaciones terapéuticas donde existe diversidad cultural. En esta presentación se pondrá énfasis en las consideraciones clínicas a tener en cuenta, incluyendo ejemplos prácticos y análisis de casos.

Amanda Clinton
Senior Director of Office of International Affairs
American Psychological Association (APA)

Amanda Clinton, MEd, PhD, is the senior director for the APA’s Office of International Affairs. Prior to joining the APA, she specialized in culturally relevant program adaptation, social emotional learning and neuropsychology, notably of bilingualism. She is a licensed clinical psychologist and a credentialed school psychologist with experience in community clinics, pediatric hospitals, schools, academic settings, and public policy. Her scholarly work includes publication of “Integrated Assessment of the Bilingual Child” and numerous peer-reviewed papers and book chapters, as well as associate editorship of several journals. She has won many professional awards, including a Fulbright Scholarship, Faculty for Undergraduate Neuroscience Educator of the Year Award and a AAAS Congressional Fellowship which she completed in the office of Senator Chris Murphy, D-C.T., where she helped write the Mental Health Reform Act. She earned her master’s degree at the University of Washington and her doctoral degree at the University of Georgia.
UNICEF defines digitalization as the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that safely empower children and youth in a technology-oriented world. Increasingly, youngsters play, socialize, study and learn, and participate in community activities on screens, mandating a degree of digital literacy. Questions abound about the impacts of technology on school-aged youth on social-emotional development, overall health and well-being, and knowledge and skill acquisition. This presentation provides a summary of research to date on digitalization and child development. In conclusion, discussion examines efforts by psychology to disseminate and apply relevant psychological science to parents, educators and policymakers in order to promote positive, effective use of technology during childhood.

Gualberto Buela-Casal
Catedrático de Psicología Clínica
Presidente de la AEPC

Gualberto Buela-Casal, Licenciado en Psicología por la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, Doctor en Psicología por la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, fue Investigador del CIDE, Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia y profesor de la Universidad de Málaga, Universidad de Jaén, University of California y Universidad de Granada. Ha publicado más de 20 libros y más de 200 artículos en revistas científicas, en su mayoría en revistas indexadas en el Journal Citation Reports (JCR). Ha dirigido 30 tesis doctorales. Fue fundador y director de un Programa de Posgrado con Mención de Calidad: Diseños de Investigación y Aplicaciones en Psicología y Salud, el cual fue distinguido con el Premio Internacional AUIP a la Calidad del Doctorado. Fundador de la Cátedra de Investigación del Sueño de la Universidad de Granada. Actualmente es Presidente de la Asociación Española de Psicología Cognitivo Conductual. Recientemente ha sido incluido en el Ranking de la Universidad de Stanford como uno de los científicos más influyentes del mundo.
La depresión es el trastorno psicológico con mayor prevalencia, según la OMS afecta a un 10% de la población. Sin embargo, su diagnóstico y evaluación están en función del criterio dimensional o categorial, de criterios diagnósticos en el sistema CIE o DSM. Por ello, uno de los problemas en el diagnóstico es la ausencia de criterios consensuados en relación con cuáles son los síntomas característicos de este trastorno, en especial por lo que se refiere a la alta comorbilidad y a la presencia de síntomas que se comparten con otras entidades clínicas.
Existen multitud de instrumentos diagnósticos, pero ninguno integral que mida todos los grupos de síntomas. Por ello, estamos desarrollando un proyecto para crear un instrumento integral de diagnóstico que evalúa los cinco grupos de síntomas (Afectivos, Conductuales, Cognitivos, Somáticos e Interpersonales). Se trata del Test de Evaluación Clínica de la Depresión TECD.
Este Test permite un diagnóstico preciso pues “rastrea” todos los síntomas y posibilita tener una puntuación global en el diagnóstico de la depresión y además una puntuación para cada factor (grupo de síntomas). Esto es muy importante pues permite un diagnóstico diferencial de cada paciente y por tanto, saber sobre que síntomas trabajar en el tratamiento, es decir, no es solo una información cuantitativa (puntuación global en depresión) sino también cualitativa (que grupos de síntomas son los afectados y por tanto, deben ser tratados).

Frank C. Worrell
Distinguished Professor
University of California, Berkeley
Past President
American Psychological Association (APA)

Dr. Phil. (Honoris Causa), Faculty of Behavioral and Cultural Studies, Heidelberg University, Germany, 2023
Ph.D., Education (Educational & School Psychology), University of California, Berkeley, 1994
Distinguished Professor, School Psychology Program, UC Berkeley, 2020 – present
Professor, Heidelberg University, Germany, 2023 –
President, American Psychological Association, American Educational Research Association, and the Association for Psychological Science
Member, Society for the Study of School Psychology
Member, National Academy of Education
Several influential psychologists referenced time perspective in their theoretical formulations, including Erik Erikson, Kurt Lewin, and Jean Piaget. According to Division 12 of the American Psychological Association—that is, the Society of Clinical Psychology—clinical psychology has implications “for understanding, predicting, and alleviating intellectual, emotional, and biological, psychological, social, and behavioral maladjustment, disability and discomfort” ( In this presentation, Dr. Worrell will provide an overview of current research showcasing several time constructs, such as hope and time attitudes, and their associations with adaptive (conscientiousness, coping, self-efficacy) and maladaptive functioning (e.g., anxiety, depression, perceived stress), and clinical diagnoses.

Buxin Han
The Institute of Psychology
Chinese Academy of Sciences

Buxin Han, Professor, Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IPCAS); PhD (1993, IPCAS); Professor, Department of Psychology, University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences; Former President, Chinese Psychological Society (CPS); Vice President, China Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics (CAGG); President, Asian Psychological Society (APsyA); President, Division of Cognitive Gerontology, and former Secretary-General, International Association of Applied Psychology (IAAP).
He has conducted research on the psychology of ageing, cultural psychology of religion, and color perception. He has received research grants from the Ministry of Science and Technology of China (MOST), Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), Natural Social Science Foundation of China (NSSFC), and Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). He has published over 200 scientific articles in peer review journals in Chinese and English.
He is active in Chinese and international academic organizations. He joined the international work group for the development of “The International Declaration of Core Competences in Professional Psychology,” which was adopted by IAAP in 2016. He has attended over seventy international conferences in the past 30years. He has organized the annual Sino-American Bilateral Conference on Cultural Psychology of Religion since 2007.
Arts of Chinese (e.g., calligraphy, painting, seal cutting, poetry etc.) has been practiced over thousand years in China,from childhood right to lifelong at a daily basis. It helped innumerous Chinese scholars as effective personal cultivating practice, for cognitive reappraisal, and daily life settings (e.g., art works in the studio, dining room, office, meeting rooms, etc.) in aiming for mind flow and even a flourishing. It provided effective way for wholistic development and integrated personal health maintaining and promoting practice in thousands years, through skills (技) enhancing, collective consciousness cultivating (术), and understanding the meaning of existence (道).
This presentation will focus on the cultivation and combination of four types of self (ego-centered, socio-center, eco-center, cosmos-center; Kirmayer, 2007) in comparison with Confucius vision of life (志于道、据于德、依于仁、游于艺, set personal heart on the Tao,map on universal virtue,lean upon human-heartedness,and seek relaxation and enjoyment in the six arts) which was proposed over 500 BC; in addition to discuss daily enjoyment in the arts of Chinese. Model of integrated development and Model of cultural practice for mind flow and flourishing were proposed and verified to some extent, in this regard.
The beneficial for maintaining mental health and related neurobiological evidences through practicing Chinese calligraphy (using an imitation task of Chinese calligraphic handwriting with self-rated subjective flow experience) has been provided by preliminary studies (Wang et al, 2023).

Peter de Jong
Professor of Experimental Psychopathology
University of Groningen

Peter J. de Jong graduated at Maastricht University (1994), and is currently full professor of Experimental Psychopathology (since 2003) at the University of Groningen (the Netherlands). By combining experimental lab-based designs with (pre)clinical intervention studies his research program focusses on delineating transdiagnostic factors and mechanisms that contribute to the development and persistence of various disorders including eating disorders, depression, anxiety, and sexual dysfunctions. One of his research lines concerns the role of disgust and disgust-based mechanisms in psychopathology and their implications for treatment.
Disgust is a defensive emotion that is characterized by pervasive avoidance and escape tendencies. Although disgust is typically conceptualized as an adaptive emotion, it can become highly dysfunctional when it is elicited by “the wrong” stimuli, when the threshold for experiencing disgust is (too) low, or when people experience feelings of disgust as being highly aversive. Until recently, disgust received only scant attention in clinical psychological science and has even been framed as “the forgotten emotion in psychopathology”. This situation is changing with a rapidly growing scientific interest in disgust as a relevant factor in mental disorders. This presentation will provide a concise review of this emerging research, illustrate how disgust-based mechanisms might contribute to the development and persistence of various disorders (e.g., eating disorders, OCD, PTSD, sexual dysfunctions), and will put emphasis on the potential implications for clinical interventions.

Rachel Menzies
School of Psychology
The University of Sydney

Dr Rachel Menzies is a National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) Research Fellow at the University of Sydney, where she completed her Honours, Masters and PhD degrees in psychology. In addition to her academic work, Rachel is a clinical psychologist and director of the Menzies Anxiety Centre, which she established to improve access to psychological treatment for death anxiety. In 2021, Rachel won the national PhD Prize from the Australian Psychological Society for her work on death anxiety and mental health. The following year, she was also awarded a national Early Career Research Award by the Australian Psychological Society. Rachel has published five books on the topic of existential issues. Her book “Mortals” was awarded national and international book prizes, including the Nib People’s Choice Literary Award, and the 2023 American Psychological Association’s William James Book Award.
Death anxiety has achieved growing interest for its possible role in underpinning various mental health concerns. Understanding the role of death anxiety in mental health, and principles for addressing it in treatment, has been argued to be essential to helping people achieve stable, long-term recovery. But what is the evidence for its role in mental illness? This keynote will provide an up-to-date summary of the latest findings regarding death anxiety and mental health. It will evaluate the role of death anxiety in different disorders, and will also review the current evidence regarding treatment techniques and efficacy.

Scott Waltman
Center for Dialectical and Cognitive Behavior Therapy
President of the Academy of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
International Association of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Scott Waltman, PsyD, ABPP, is a clinician, international trainer, and practice-based researcher. His interests include evidence-based psychotherapy practice, training, and implementation in systems that provide care to underserved populations. He is president-elect of the Academy of Cognitive & Behavioral Therapies. He is also a board member of the International Association of Cognitive Behavioral Therapies. He is board certified in Behavioral and Cognitive Psychology from the American Board of Professional Psychology. Dr. Waltman, worked as a CBT trainer for one of Dr. Aaron Beck’s CBT implementation teams in the Philadelphia public mental health system. Currently, he works as a clinical psychologist in private practice and a managed care system, where he is a frontline clinician and practice-based researcher.
This session focuses on presenting a modern and integrative model for Socratic Questioning that extends beyond purely rational discourse. Socratic Questioning is a critical skill across several evidence-based practices, serving as an element of an effective and empathically attuned rapport. Effective Socratic discourse is much more than reading a list of questions or challenging cognitive distortions. Presenters discuss Socratic processes in a flexible manner that can be applied to a variety of treatment approaches. Themes and strategies from modern cognitive therapies such as dialectical behaviour therapy, acceptance and commitment therapy, schema therapy, and emotion focused therapy are integrated into a robust model. The talk will focus on applied case examples.

Olivia Gamarra
Academia Paraguaya de Psicología Cognitivo Conductual

Es Doctora en Psicología por la Universidad De Palermo, Buenos Aires. Pos graduada en Psicopatología por la Universidad de Barcelona, España.
Terapeuta de adultos en Sensorium Paraguay y docente de grado y pos grados. Las líneas de investigación y publicación científica versan sobre protocolos bien establecidos en contextos locales.
Autora de capítulos de libros sobre trastornos de ansiedad y depresión. Traductora y revisora técnica de libros de psicología de idiomas extranjeros al español.
Presidente de la Academia Paraguaya de Psicología Cognitiva y Conductual y editora adjunta de la Revista Brasileña de Terapias Comportamentales y Cognitivas.
La Terapia Basada en Procesos (TBP) desarrollada por Steven Hayes y Stefan Hofmann proponen una manera nueva de pensar el proceso psicoterapéutico, desde la conceptualización psicopatológica hasta el tratamiento, usando como guía un enfoque de pensamiento basado en redes complejas y reuniendo lo que mejor se sabe actualmente tanto sobre mecanismos de cambio así como de intervenciones o módulos de tratamiento, integrados en un Metamodelo Evolutivo Extendido (MMEE). En este workshop se pretende mostrar cómo se trabaja un caso con diferentes psicopatologías o “comorbilidades” usando la TBP.

Rodrigo Mazo Zea
Asociación Colombiana de Facultades de Psicología (ASCOFAPSI)

Psicólogo, especialista en Terapia Cognitiva de la Universidad de San Buenaventura de Medellín, Colombia, doctor en Psicología de la Universidad Católica de Argentina. Profesor titular, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana de Medellín, director de la Facultad de Psicología de la UPB (2007-2022), Presidente de la Asociación Colombiana de Terapia Cognitiva (2002-2015), miembro de la junta directiva de la Asociación Colombiana de Facultades de Psicología, ASCOFAPSI (2020-2024), miembro del consejo directivo del Colegio Colombiano de Psicólogos (2017-2020), secretario ejecutivo para América del Sur de la Sociedad Interamericana de Psicología (2010-2013; 2019-2021), Psicoterapeuta cognitivo conductual con más de 30 años de experiencia clínica.
Desde el modelo cognitivo conductual se plantea que, en el núcleo informacional de las personas con celos patológicos, se presenta un esquema de abandonabilidad, relacionado con una débil percepción de sí mismo, una subvaloración personal y una alta dependencia emocional, que llevan a una manifiesta desconfianza hacia la pareja. Se propone un proceso integral de intervención, en el que se revisan las estrategias de afrontamiento del sujeto, que son variables mantenedoras del problema; los pensamientos automáticos, buscando un control racional sobre los mismos; el fortalecimiento del Yo para trabajar la irresponsabilidad emocional y fomentar la autonomía del paciente; y el control emocional, para manejar las reacciones ligadas a la percepción de vulnerabilidad. Se plantean los componentes propios del modelo de intervención, desde la relación terapéutica y las técnicas tanto de debate como experienciales, a considerar en el proceso.

Carlos Enrique Garavito Ariza
Coordinador de la Comisión Nacional de Políticas Públicas
Colegio Colombiano de Psicólogos

Psicólogo. Magister. Docente Universitario. Investigador. Consultor en desarrollo de pruebas psicológicas y políticas públicas en bienestar psicosocial. Representante del campo de psicología clínica y Coordinador de la comisión Nacional de Política Pública del Colegio Colombiano de Psicólogos.
Este proyecto se enfoca en la población rural debido a las dificultades que enfrentan en materia de acceso a servicios de salud mental y bienestar emocional. Se busca generar espacios seguros y acogedores para que los habitantes de la zona puedan abordar sus preocupaciones y mejorar su calidad de vida. Es así que este proyecto busca mejorar la salud mental y el bienestar emocional de la población rural a través de diversas acciones y la implementación de un modelo de emprendimiento solidario. Se espera lograr un impacto positivo y sostenible en la zona y generar un cambio significativo en la calidad de vida de sus habitantes. En cuanto al modelo de emprendimiento solidario que se empleará, se buscará la generación de ingresos mediante la venta de productos y servicios, pero con un enfoque en la reinversión de las ganancias en el crecimiento y consolidación del proyecto. En cuanto al modelo de emprendimiento solidario que se empleará, se buscará la generación de ingresos mediante la venta de productos y servicios, pero con un enfoque en la reinversión de las ganancias en el crecimiento y consolidación del proyecto. Además, se buscarán alianzas con organizaciones e instituciones que compartan los mismos valores y objetivos. La implementación de este modelo de emprendimiento solidario se basará en la capacitación y empoderamiento de los miembros de la comunidad rural, brindándoles habilidades empresariales y apoyo técnico para la producción y comercialización de sus productos y servicios. Se establecerán programas de formación en áreas como agricultura sostenible, artesanía local, servicios de apoyo emocional y otros sectores relevantes para la comunidad.

Ellen Excelmans
Past President
Flemish Association for Behavioural Therapy (VVGT)

Ellen Excelmans is a clinical psychologist and behavior therapist. She has her own practice and serves as the coordinator of Psychologennet, a network of psychologists. Additionally, she works as a project coordinator at the Flemish Association of Clinical Psychologists (VVKP).
Insomnia is a significant health problem with a negative impact on people's quality of life. Research estimates that about 30% of adults suffer from insomnia. In Belgium, this has led to a high consumption of sleep medication: 13% of adults used sleep aids in 2018. During the COVID-19 crisis, this figure increased to 21%. However, the treatment guideline for insomnia recommends a non-pharmacological approach.
In this lecture, I present a project from the EBpractice plan in which we aim to align daily practice with the recommendations of the treatment guideline. We focus on enhancing the expertise of general practitioners and other healthcare providers (such as pharmacists, physiotherapists, nurses, psychologists, etc.) in behavioral interventions through process facilitation, education, training, and supervision.

Alejandro Guillén Riquelme
Investigador Senior
Universidad Internacional de Valencia (VIU)

Licenciado en psicología en la Universidad Miguel Hernández (Elche). Máster Universitario en Diseños de Investigación y Aplicaciones en Psicología y Salud (2007-2008), Universidad de Granada. Doctor en Psicología, cum laude en la Universidad de Granada. Trabajó durante años en el Centro de Investigación Mente, Cerebro y Comportamiento (CIMCYC), de la Universidad de Granada. Actualmente es Investigador Senior en la Universidad Internacional de Valencia (VIU). Profesor de diversos másteres, siendo además miembro de la Comisión Académica y de Calidad del Máster Universitario en Psicología Jurídica y Forense. A nivel curricular, ha participado en múltiples Proyectos de Investigación y ha presentado comunicaciones en congresos tanto nacionales, como internacionales. Tiene 60 artículos publicados en su mayoría en revistas con factor de impacto en el JCR. En dichos artículos hay 13 que se sitúan en el primer cuartil . . Además, entre sus publicaciones destacan un artículo publicado en Psicothema que se ha situado como el 6º artículo con mayor número de citas en dicha revista en la década 2008-2018 (ver, lo cual es muestra del impacto de dicho trabajo. Paralelamente a esta publicación, el autor ha actualizado la baremación y manual del STAI en TEA Ediciones. Sus investigaciones se centran en aspectos clínicos, psicométricos, de evaluación psicológica y meta-análisis, ya que ha publicado una decena de artículos de revisión sitemática. Forma parte del Laboratorio del Sueño y Promoción de la Salud de dicha universidad y del grupo de investigación CTS-261.
La revisión sistemática es una metodología clave en la investigación en ciencias de la salud, y las directrices PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) proporcionan un marco detallado para su realización.
Una revisión sistemática es un enfoque riguroso y transparente para reunir y sintetizar la evidencia científica disponible sobre un tema específico en ciencias de la salud. Utiliza una metodología estructurada que busca minimizar el sesgo y maximizar la validez de los resultados. Las directrices PRISMA establecen pautas claras para la planificación, ejecución y presentación de una revisión sistemática de alta calidad.
El proceso de revisión sistemática implica varias etapas. En primer lugar, se realiza una exhaustiva búsqueda bibliográfica para lo que se requiere una adecuada ecuación de búsqueda, una selección de bases y una serie de pasos para garantizar la replicabilidad. Luego, se aplican criterios de inclusión y exclusión para seleccionar los estudios adecuados. Los datos extraídos de los estudios seleccionados se analizan y se realiza una síntesis de la evidencia.
Además de ello, se presentarán aspectos claves como la evaluación del riesgo de sesgo, la presentación adecuada de los resultados y la redacción de manuscritos.

Carolyn Webster-Stratton
Professor Emeritus
University of Washington

Carolyn Webster-Stratton, MS, MPH, PhD, Professor Emeritus at the University of Washington, is a licensed clinical psychologist and pediatric nurse practitioner, and the founder of the Incredible Years Series for Parents, Children, and Teachers. She has conducted numerous RCTs to evaluate the effectiveness of programs for promoting social and emotional competence, school readiness skills and preventing conduct problems in high-risk populations. She has also evaluated teacher, parent and child treatment programs for children diagnosed with oppositional defiant disorder, conduct disorder and ADHD. The Incredible Years programs have been delivered in more than 24 countries, in 10 languages. Dr. Webster-Stratton has published numerous scientific articles and chapters as well as books for parents, teachers, therapists and children. She has received the National Mental Health Lela Rowland Prevention Award; National Mental Health Research Scientist Award; Dale Richmond/Justin Coleman Lectureship Award from the American Academy of Pediatrics; Trailblazer Award from Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies; Distinguished Career Award from APA Society of Clinical and Adolescent Psychology, and a Doctor Honoris Causa from the Université de Sherbrooke.
This presentation will provide an overview of IY program delivery, with an emphasis on the concept of affirming diversity. I will discuss what is encompassed in transporting IY programs to different cultural groups and countries, including assuring quality translations of parent handouts. With the aim of enhancing understanding of what constitutes an evidence-based program, I will review different IY parent programs as exemplars, and summarize research outcomes in terms of how they promote children’s wellbeing. This presentation will also provide an overview of the important components of IY program implementation and how it is tailored with fidelity to different cultural groups. To do this, video vignette examples will be shared, demonstrating tailoring of program delivery to promote children’s wellbeing.

Natalia Ferrero Delgado
Asociación Peruana de Terapias Cognitivo-Conductuales

Directora y fundadora de Psicotrec Perú, acreditado por la International Association for Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (IAREBT). Psicóloga de la Universidad de Lima y psicoterapeuta especializada en Terapia Racional Emotiva Conductual (TREC) en el Albert Ellis Institute. Docente de postgrado, psicoterapeuta y supervisora en TREC y TCC con más de 20 años de experiencia. Máster en Terapias Psicológicas de Tercera Generación por la Universidad de Valencia, España. Entrenada en Terapia Cognitiva en el Beck Institute. Miembro Fundador, del Consejo Directivo y actual Chair del Comité de entrenamiento y certificación de la IAREBT. Presidente de la Asociación Peruana de Terapias Cognitivo-Conductuales, ASPETECC, representante en Perú de ALAPCCO, del cual es además miembro de su Consejo Directivo. Coautora del libro "SOS Materiales y Recursos Terapéuticos TREC y TCC” y autora de capítulos de libros en TREC y TCC en español, inglés y portugués. Ha ofrecido conferencias, cursos y certificaciones en Terapia TREC y TCC en Perú, Latinoamérica y Europa.
El perfeccionismo es el esfuerzo exagerado por lograr la perfección en una o más áreas de nuestra vida. Si bien esforzarse por alcanzar altos estándares y trabajar para ello no resulta problemático, cuando este esfuerzo se basa en exigencias absolutas e irracionales sumadas a una aceptación condicional con base a nuestro desempeño, favorece y mantiene un numero de trastornos psicológicos, pudiendo incluso complicar el tratamiento y contribuir a las resistencias del consultante. Durante esta conferencia, los participantes podrán conocer cómo conceptualizar el perfeccionismo desde el modelo de la Terapia Racional Emotiva Conductual (TREC) y como un factor transdiagnóstico asociado a diferentes problemáticas clínicas. Asimismo se expondrán las principales estrategias y consideraciones para su abordaje y eficacia, promoviendo la autoaceptación incondicional y una mirada más compasiva de uno mismo como ser humano.